January 26, 2009
I feel like dancing! One big conscious party!
Nadia Huntley (sharing her feelings regarding Obama's Inauguration)
Now the work for all of us begins. Many of us are in the midst of major changes in our lives. And at this time of hope and "dancing" there is a fear of the unknown, there is a recognition of just how small we often choose to play, there is an acknowledgement of the work that has to be done to bring the vision that we all share: peace, freedom, prosperity and love, further into fruition. Sharon Ball and I have heeded the call and are thrilled to officially announce:
Please visit my new & improved website to get the details, including pictures and registration information at http://www.healingfinances.com/index.html.
We are all, men and women, being called to act from our greater selves. With this great newfound hope, comes great new found work. Work that can not be done alone, work that requires a safe space and trust, so together we may grow beyond our fears!
WE, my mother Sharon Ball, and I, WELCOME YOU!
Thank you Charlotte for the incredible work on the website!
Thank you SB for your incredible edits and time.
Thank you gentlemen for understanding sometimes the ladies just need a break out on their own.
Thank you Nadia for responding to last week's blog!
Thank you to each of you that have been with me from the beginning, those that have recently joined me and those waiting for me to come to you.
Here's to the dance of our lives!
Dance & Enjoy the hope in the air.
Samarra Am Management is dedicated to building communities living inspired, fulfilled and free!
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