December 10, 2007
HOLIDAYS: PLEASE PUT THE CREDIT CARDS AWAY It's 2 weeks before the holidays and do you know where your credit card is?
Hopefully it is tucked away in your file drawer. If you do not have the funds to buy your loved one's gifts, please do not do more damage to your financial and emotional health by charging items that you can not pay off immediately. In less than thirty days the bills will start rolling in and because finance charges are charged DAILY you have actually just paid double for that item. I do not have any children and I know for parents, this is a very tall order when the little ones are screaming for Wii - (the latest interactive video game). In the moment of the purchase, we think I must make my child/loved one happy. We don't even consider our financial health. If your child/loved one smiled on Christmas but spent the rest of the year hearing you complain and be depressed about your lack of finances, consider the cost of your choice. Why not choose making them and yourself "happy" all year around? Remember the items that you charged last year...three years ago? You are still paying the balances this year. In fact, it seems as if you keep paying and the amount isn't really going down. This is an accurate assessment. Stop using them! Choose to make yourself/child/loved one happy all year around! Buy what you can afford. Save for what you want. Plan, invest and build your financial wealth.
I know many of you have already made your purchases. Please begin implementing a strategy and plan for paying off those items as soon as possible. No eating out for the next month, no stopping at Starbucks, no taxi's, the little things really do add up. Start there.
If you have many more purchases to make, calculate the numbers and see what you can afford. Consider getting aunt Edna two gifts instead of 5. Consider purchasing a less expensive gift and putting the more expensive gift on lay away and surprising them on their birthday, anniversary, etc.
If you have friends and family that you know are as strapped for money as you, consider having a conversation and making an agreement to only exchange one gift this year and/or put your money together to purchase gifts for the other family members.
If you treat yourself to a gift each year, please consider purchasing an investment. Invest in something that you can build on - a consultation with a financial or health advisor, a life coach, a course in something you've always loved, a subscription to a business or investment magazine, a stock or bond that can accrue interest. Don't spend, INVEST.
The most important aspect of the holidays that I am BEGGING you to consider is that your financial health has an effect on your emotional health. When you begin to be proactive - make a plan and know what you have, you will start your New Year not already feeling overwhelmed and defeated knowing the smiles you enjoyed seeing during the holidays have come at an emotional and financial expense TO YOU. How many people do you know are overwhelmed by their financial burdens? Give YOURSELF a chance at financial peace. Spending and doing the same habits, create the same result. Dare to be different and experience the weight that is lifted when you have a plan. What you cannot buy this Christmas you WILL be able to purchase next Christmas. Financial and emotional peace arise when you decide you are ready to choose yourself and your financial health. This holiday season, spend consciously. If you have spent years saying "I don't have enough money," begin NOW with a new conversation. Begin this holiday season allowing yourself the chance to enjoy the spirit of the holidays by building your financial health and wealth. (By the way, this will allow you to give all year around.)
If you do not have it, then you do not have it, NOW. It does not mean that you never will. It means stop swiping pretending that you do - digging yourself into a hole that causes you to feel you can never escape. You CAN! Please, start now by putting the credit cards away!
1) Attend my workshop on Wednesday (see details below)
2) Research the gifts that you are planning to buy. Consider ways to purchase them
without your credit cards. If that is not an option, plan now on how you are
going to pay it back within 30 days. If you are not able - do not use your
credit card to make the purchase. Remember, if you already have a balance on your
card you are on average paying double for that item due to the DAILY finance
3) Call me if you have any questions or beleive that you have no other options.
Let's brainstorm! There are always options. Be willing to end 2007 and start
2008 financially inspired! Aren't you tired of the same old excuses?
Start a new habit TODAY!
SAMARRA AM MANAGEMENT EVENTSTitle: Credit Card Companies: Why We Can't Resist Their S***wipe!
When: Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Where: The Red Tent Women's Project
338 4th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, ground floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Time: 7:30-9pm
Cost: Free (accepted donations - all proceeds will support
The Red Tent Women's Project)
RSVP: 718-866-5859
Visit:www.redtentwomensproject.org to learn more about this wonderful organization.
Any affirmations, suggestions, requests, job notices, teleseminars or
events please email me at samarra_am_management@yahoo.com.
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